Mountain biking and cycling

Once the snow is gone, you can see appearing the first bikes. Trysil hyttegrend is surrounded by many beautiful mountain bike trails. Directly from our park you can already try out a fun trail (fine to do for children). On the other side of the river is the Trysil Bike Arena. In the forests you can find beautiful routes (total 30 km) where young and old are challenged. Take the Crazy Rabit, The Green Fox or The Sweet Dreams. In the summer you can go with your bike in the (ski) lift. This brings you to the top of the Trysil mountain. Here are many challenging bike trails with stunning views; the route around the mountain (fjellrunde) is really worth it. You can also bike from the top. At ‘ our ‘ side of the river you can follow one of the hilly routes through the unspoilt nature.

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