Skiing/Nordic skiing

This is something you can’t miss in the winter! Trysil is Norway’s largest ski resort with 31 lifts and 33 km of slopes and are very child friendly. Four ski areas are set around the Trysil mountain and are connected to each other.

You can alternate with beautiful alpine skiing Cross-country skiing. For the real avid cross-country skier, snow of last winter is stocked under a mountain wood chips which is used for the first cross-country ski-loype that is already open at the end of October! Trysil has more than 100 km to loypes. By nice simple trails for the whole family to a cabin in the woods for chocolate and fresh waffles, to long varied day trips around the Trysil mountain. Tip: Please have some wood and make a fire in the snow for good grilled sausages for lunch!

For info on area, piste map.


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